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[英语] 自学新概念英语第二册笔记 Lessons 66

发表于 2012-8-23 12:00:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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  课文详注 Further notes on the text
  1.a long way west of Samoa, 位于萨摩亚群岛以西。
  这个短语补充说明 Wallis Island 的位置。表示方向(东、南等)的词后面可以直接加 of+地名,前面也不用加任何介词:
  Shanghai is south of Beijing.上海在北京以南。
  2.over the years, 多年来。
  over 表示"在……期间/之中":
  He worked very hard over the last two years.过去两年中他工作努力。
  3.By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. 到了那个时候,状况良好的兰开斯特轰炸机实属罕见,值得抢救。
  The house is in reasonable condition.这座房子状况尚好。
  The price of the dress is reasonable.这件衣服不算贵。
  (2)worth 可表示"值得"、"具有……的价值",后面跟名词或动名词:
  This book is worth buying.这本书值得买。
  That park is worth a visit.那个公园值得一去。
  4.The French authorities bad the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France. 法国政府让人把飞机包装起来,一部分一部分地搬回法国。
  句中 have为使役动词,表示"使",后面加名词/代词加过去分词。packaged和 moved 都属于这种结构。(cf. 本课语法)
  5.A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive…一群蜜蜂把发动机当做了蜂房……
  colony 作量词表示"群"时,往往用于蜜蜂、蚂蚁等。
  turn into表示"把……改变成……":
  When it is cold enough, water is turnd into ice.冷到一定程度时,水就变成了冰。
  语法 Grammar in use
  使役式(The causative)
  (1)动词 have 除了可以作为助动词构成完成时以外,还可以作为完全动词表示"拥有"或代替 take, eat, receive, experience 等动词(cf. 第18课语法):
  Did you have a good meal?您吃得好吗?
  He has five cars.他有5辆汽车。
  They had a nice swim.他们很畅快地游了泳。
  (2)have作为完全动词还可以构成使役式,其形式为: have+名词或宾格代词+动词的过去分词。由于have是完全动词,所以其疑问句与否定句由do/did构成。与被动语态相似,使役式着重表示的是对某物(或某人)做了什么而不是某人做了什么。试比较:
  用被动语态或使役式时,我们可能不知道或认为不必指明为我们服务的人是谁。然而,使役式比被动语态更加强调"使"别人为我们服务这一事实。我们要表示让别人为我们做某事时,通常不用主动语态。让别人给理发时,不可说I want to cut my hair而要说 I want to have my hair cut。
  While I'm away, I'll have you looked after.我不在的时候,我会让人照顾你的。
  词汇学习 Word study
  集合名词表示的是由若干个体组成的集合体,如 family(家庭,一家人),team(队),crew(船、飞机等上的全体工作人员),audience(观众),government(政府),staff(全体职员/教员),class (班,班级)等。如果要强调作为整体的集体,则后面的动词用单数;如果要强调组成集体的每个人,则后面的动词用复数:
  2.imagine vt.
  Can you imagine their surprise and delight?你能想像得出他们的惊奇和快乐吗?
  I thought I heard something, but perhaps I was imagining it.我觉得我(好像)听到了什么动静,不过也许这只是我的想像。
  imagine you'd like to rest after your long journey.我想你在长途旅行之后肯定愿意休息一下。
  练习答案 Key to written exercises
  A had the plane packaged, (had the plane) moved, have the plane restored, have only three of them rebuilt
  B 1 The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France.
  2 A group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored.
  3 The group will need to have only three of the engines rebuilt.
  C 1 He is having a new house built.
  2 She will have a new dress made.
  3 I did not have the house decorated.
  4 They had the washing machine repaired.
  5 We must have this dangerous tree cut down.
  6 We have to have this new television set installed.
  1 has  2 were  3 Have  4 is
  1c  2b  3a  4a  5d  6a
  7 a  8b  9a  10b  11b  12 a
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