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[英语] 自学新概念英语第二册笔记 Lessons 41

发表于 2012-8-22 14:30:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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  课文详注 Further notes on the text
  1.Do you call that a hat? (标题)你把那个叫帽子吗?
  Do you call that +(冠词)+名词这个结构可以表达一种轻蔑的含义:
  Do you call that a house/a dog?你把那个叫房子/狗吗?
  2.I sat down on one of those modern chairs with holes in it…我坐在一个新式的满是网眼儿的椅子上……
  3.I regretted saying it almost at once. 我马上又后悔说了这话。
  regret +动名词/名词/that从句通常表示为做过的某件事感到后悔、懊悔:
  I now regret leaving my country/ that I have left my country.我现在后悔离开了自己的祖国。
  He regretted having been rude to her.他后悔自己对她无礼。
  Did he regret his mistake?他为自己的错误感到后悔了吗?
  regret +不定式表示对现在或将来要做的事感到对不起、遗憾,比 be sorry +不定式要正式:
  We regret to tell you that you are not welcome.我们很遗憾地告诉您,您不受欢迎。
  4.I find it beautiful. 我觉得它好看。
  You'll find it difficult/easy to make conversation with her.你将会发现与她聊天很困难/容易。( it代指后面的不定式短语)
  I find this book very interesting.我觉得这本书很有趣。
  5.A man can never have too many ties. 男人有多少领带也不会嫌多。
  cannot/can never…too…(固定结构)表示"无论怎么……也不会过分":
  A woman can't have too many hats.女人有多少帽子也不嫌多。
  You can't be too careful in doing your work.你工作越小心越好。
  语法 Grammar in use
  must, have(got) to与need
  在第17课的语法中,我们学习了情态助动词must和have(got)to 的一些用法,知道它们可以表达"必须"、"不得不"等含义,must还可用于表示推测。在表达"必要"、"不必要"等含义时,除了可用must和have(got)to以外,还可以用need。need只有情态助动词的部分特征,仅用于某些疑问句和否定句。need用于疑问句时,问者往往希望得到否定的回答:
  Need you leave so soon?
  你有必要这么早就走吗?(希望不必)用need的一般疑问句的肯定形式的回答可以用 must/had to,否定形式的回答可以用 needn't
  I need to go to the dentist this morning.今天上午我需要去看牙。
  I must go to the dentist this morning.今天上午我必须去看牙。
  用 must的一般疑问句可以用 must/have to或 needn't来回答,而不用 mustn't:
  "不必要"可用 needn't, don't have to来表示:
  You needn't/don't have to work such long hours.你不必工作那么长时间。
  这种句型可用来表示说话人让对方选择或允许对方可以不做某事的主观意图。它的完成式和过去式分别为 needn't have, didn't have to和 didn't need to:
  词汇学习 Word study
  1.remind vt.
  Remind me to post that letter.提醒我把那封信寄了。
  I needn't remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday.我不必提醒你昨天买的那条糟糕透了的领带。
  He reminded his wife that they needed to buy some coffee and sugar.他提醒妻子他们需要买些咖啡和糖。
  The smell of cabbage reminds me of school.卷心菜的气味使我想起了学校。
  She reminds me of her sister.她使我想起了她的姐姐/妹妹。
  2.remark,observe与 notice
  (1)remark与 observe都可以表示"说"、"评论说",它们比say要正式:
  'You're looking very well!'She remarked/observed."您的气色看上去真好!"她说。
  He remarked/observed that it was too hot in the room.他说屋里太热了。
  (2)notice和observe都可以表示"注意到"、"察觉到",但有一定区别。notice 通常指无意中"察觉到";observe 则可以指有意观察,比notice更正式:
  I've noticed/ observed that he telephones her oftener than before.我发现/注意到他现在给她打电话比以前次数多了。
  She observed the picture critically for a moment.她用挑剔的目光看了一会儿那幅画。
  I didn't notice his leaving.他走的时候我没注意到。
  练习答案 Key to written exercises
  C 1 mustn't  2 mustn't  3 needn't  4 needn't  5 mustn't
  1 remarked  2 noticed  3 remarks  4 notice
  1 a  2 a  3 c  4 d  5 c  6 b
  7 b  8 a  9 d  10 a  11 c  12 b
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