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[英语] 自学新概念英语第二册笔记 Lessons 34

发表于 2012-8-22 09:37:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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  课文详注 Further notes on the text
  1.Dan Robinson has been worried all week. 丹·鲁宾逊焦虑了整整一个星期。
  worried 在这里可以当成是形容词,
  表示"焦虑的"、"担心的"。worry 也可以作及物动词,表示"使担心/发愁"等:
  She appears to be worried by/ about something.好像有什么事使她发愁。(用于被动语态时,过去分词与形容词意义差不多)
  2.the local police,当地警察局。
  local 可以表示"地方性的"或"当地的"、"本地的":a local newspaper 地方性报纸
  local news 本地新闻
  local shops邻近的商店
  3.Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police…丹奇怪警察为什么找他……
  (1) wonder表示"想知道"时后面往往跟疑问词引导的从句:She wondered who that man was/ what had happened. 她想知道那个人是谁/到底发生了什么事。
  (2) want用于被动语态时可以表示"想与(某人见面、谈话等)"或"缉拿"、"追捕":
  Please wait a minute. I'm wanted on the phone.请等一下。有我的电话。
  This is the man (who is) wanted by the police.这就是警察在追捕的那个人。
  4.a smiling policeman ,一位面带笑容的警察。
  smiling 为现在分词,作定语,
  a sleeping dog 一只睡着的狗
  a worried face 一张焦虑的脸
  5.Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. 那位警察对他说,那辆自行车是5天前在400英里外的一个小村里发现的。
  (1)这句话实际上是一个间接引语(cf.第15课语法),其正常语序应为: The policeman told him that five days ago the bicycle was picked up…
  语序变化后,the policeman told him成了插入成分,引导从句的that也被省略,引述的部分被分割成两部分。
  (2) four hundred miles away修饰 village,相当于从句 which wasfour hundred miles away。
  (3) pick up的含义之一为"(偶然地、无意地)获得"、"找到"、"学会":
  I've picked up a bad cold.我得了重感冒。
  I picked up some French while travelling in Paris.在巴黎游览期间我学了几句法语。
  He picked up the book in a small library.他在一个小图书馆发现了那本书。
  6.It is now being sent to his home by train.现在正用火车给他运回家来。
  其结构为"am/is/are+ be-ing+过去分词"(cf.第10课语法):
  The clavichord is being repaired by a friend of my father's.父亲的一个朋友正在修理这架古钢琴。
  语法 Grammar in use
  在第10课的语法中,我们学习了被动语态的基本形式。一般说来,无论是主动语态还是被动语态,句子的主语往往是说话者认为比较重要或想要强调的。如果说话人想避免用不明确的词(如 someone, a person等)作主语,就常常使用被动语态。在"动词+宾语+不定式"结构中,既可以让动词用被动语态而不定式用主动语态,也可以让不定式用被动语态:
  Someone told Mary to meet us.有人通知玛丽来接我们。(主语不明确)
  词汇学习 Word study
  (1)call at表示"对(某个人家或地方)进行短暂访问":
  He calls at every house in the street once a month.他每月对这条街上的每户人家光顾一次。
  He was asked to call at the police station.他被告知去警察局一趟。
  (2)call on 表示"拜访"、"探望":
  Have you called on George recently?你最近去看过乔治吗?
  (3)call out表示"大声叫喊":
  Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat.岸上的一些人对着小船上的那人高喊。
  (4)call up在美国英语中表示"打电话(给某人)":
  Jane called me up the other day.前几天,简给我打过电话。
  If you want my help, just call up.你如果需要我的帮助,来个电话就行。
  (5) call off 可以表示"取消(某项活动)":
  For some reason, they have called off the party / the meeting.由于某种原因,他们把晚会/会议取消了。
  This is the most beautiful can/ garden I've even seen.这是我见过的最漂亮的车/花园。
  The most intelligent girl in this class is Jane.这个班上最聪明的姑娘是简。
  Most doctors don't smoke.大多数医生不吸烟。
  Most women have to stay at home in this country.在这个国家,大部分妇女都得呆在家里。
  This is a most interesting/ exciting story.这是个非常有趣/激动人心的故事。(说话者的观点)
  Dan was most surprised when he heard the news.丹听到这个消息后,惊奇万分。
  练习答案 Key to written exercises
  A 1 Dan Robinson has been worried all the week.
  2 Dan was asked to call at the local police station.
  3 Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police.
  4 Dan was told at the station that his bicycle had been found.
  5 Dan's bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away.
  6 The bicycle is being sent to Dan's home.
  7 Dan was surprised and amused when he heard the news.
  8 Dan was amused because he never expected the bicycle tobe found.
  9 The bicycle was stolen twenty years ago.
  1 on  2 off  3 out  4 at
  1 d  2 a  3 b  4 c  5 a  6 d
  7 c  8 b  9 c  10 b  11 c  12 a
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